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This page shows all the research i've done throughout this project!


After looking into the top apps for ios and androids ive realized the most popular games are the most simple ones, with lots of detail to keep the audience entertained.

One thing that i must know before i start developing my app is what they teach in each grade. Lucky for me via I could lean what the teach in a first grade curriculum, this will help me to make the problem, before i make the games.

The past two days i've been busy researching! I've looked up details that make games fun, and reviewed some of the games that have been at the top of the boards at some point and time, this includes old ones. What id like to do is mix some old games with newer ones!

Another thing i've learned is people don't like playing the same things over and over again so i plan to change them out every week, each update will have different games. This should help satisfy and keep users interested!

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